The story begins in 1945, when Pierre Joseph Maréchalle, weights merchant, creates a craft company for marketing and maintenance in weighing equipment.
The company took a decisive turn when its first son, Pierre Jean, joined the venture a few years later and in 1952 founded MARÉCHALLE PESAGE Establishments, specializing in the manufacturing of coal scales/baggers.
In 1963, Jean Pierre develops the manufacturing of livestock weighing equipment, which becomes the strength of the company.
In 1970, the company evolves and split into two branches : tranding on one side and manufacturing on the other, reflecting our commitment to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
In 1993, Pierre Claude, son of Pierre Jean, takes over the industrial scales trading and maintenance company, which is now called MARÉCHALLE PESAGE MÉTROLOGIE.
The company took a decisive turn when its first son, Pierre Jean, joined the venture a few years later and in 1952 founded MARÉCHALLE PESAGE Establishments, specializing in the manufacturing of coal scales/baggers.
In 1963, Jean Pierre develops the manufacturing of livestock weighing equipment, which becomes the strength of the company.
In 1970, the company evolves and split into two branches : tranding on one side and manufacturing on the other, reflecting our commitment to meet the diverse needs of our customers.
In 1993, Pierre Claude, son of Pierre Jean, takes over the industrial scales trading and maintenance company, which is now called MARÉCHALLE PESAGE MÉTROLOGIE.